Cherry Ripe Chocolate Bar Ð Cadbury - 52g x 3

SKU: CAD024156PK3
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Cadburys Ð the finest chocolate since 1824 withstanding the ÔtasteÕ of time

Since 1824 Cadbury has made people smile Ð even during times of rationing. This company has withstood the test of time with millions of people consuming their products worldwide. This has been spread from generation to generation and continues to remain at the top of the sweets ladder here in Asutralia and in many other countries.

This particular product is known as Cherry Ripe Ð A delicious bar for those with a taste for Cherries, Coconut and rich ÔOld GoldÕ dark chocolate. Indulge in classic dark chocolate with enough Cherry sweetness to offset any bitterness of Old Gold Ð a perfectly combination of taste teasers.

Pack of 3 bars (52g each)

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