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Quick Overview
The Manuka is found throughout New Zealand and often forms extensive areas of bush. The leaves are dotted with oil glands, and when bruised give off a gingery peppery smell. The flowers vary from brilliant white through to rose-pink.
The Maori people used Manuka as a medicinal plant, from treating fevers and colds to sedatives and early European settlers called it the "tea tree".This is a strong flavoured honey but with a fresh clean bite.
Airborne Manuka Honey has a robust rich flavour with overtones of caramel and malt.These honeys are carefully selected and blended to create a delicious flavour that makes Airborne Manuka honey so special.
Our 100 years of experience and specialised process mean we produce a deliciously soft creamy honey. All honey labelled as manuka must be tested by an MPI-recognised laboratory to make sure it meets the new manuka honey definition