Bee Pollen & Manuka Honey - Api Health

Api Health
SKU: API008250000
In Stock
  • 250G


Manuka & Pollen is delicious nutrition blend of New Zealand Manuka honey and bio-active Bee Pollen extract.
Main ingredient of Manuka & Pollen is Multifloral Manuka honey MGO100+, which is gathered in New Zealand from Manuka bush, Leptospermum scoparium, which grows uncultivated throughout the country.
Manuka honey’s special qualities come from the Manuka flower nectar, which contributes unique natural compounds making Manuka Honey so different from other honeys. ApiHealth Manuka honey is fully certified with MPI definition and MGO testing.
Second ingredient is New Zealand Bee Pollen Bio-Active Extract. As gathered by the honeybee pollen is a very beneficial natural food  which has been used by man for many centuries. No other natural product on earth could compete with bee pollen in the level of nutritional value.It is rich with natural components crucially important for humanbeing. Bee pollen contains over 250 biologically active substances, including proteins, carbs, lipids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes.
ApiHealth extraction technology with breaking pollen shells allows to achieve higher level of biological active ingredients from bee pollen and make them more available for the body.

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