• Mixed Spice - MasterFoods - 30g

Mixed Spice - MasterFoods - 30g

In Stock
SKU: MFD023030000
Regular Price $5.00 Sale Price $6.00 Unit price: $0.00

Quick Overview

Aromatic spice blend for all your cakes, muffins and dried fruitsMasterFoods has come up with a lovely combination of spices for your sweets and desserts. Containing perfectly proportioned Cinnamon, All Spice and Nutmeg.Food matches:-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Cakes-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Muffins-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Waffles-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Milk pudding and custardFor more products by MasterFoods please click here.

Aromatic spice blend for all your cakes, muffins and dried fruits

MasterFoods has come up with a lovely combination of spices for your sweets and desserts. Containing perfectly proportioned Cinnamon, All Spice and Nutmeg.

Food matches:




-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Milk pudding and custard

For more products by MasterFoods please click here.

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