Chlorella Certified Organic - Lifestream - 300 mini tablets

SKU: LFM017300000
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Natural bowel support

Modern diets are rich in artificial preservatives, colours, flavourings, chemicals and may contain traces of pesticide residues. Saturated fats and refined carbohydrates can also be found easily in most foods that we regularly consume. These processed compounds are unrecognisable to foods in their natural state. As our body is forced to digest these processed foods our health could be compromised. The organic Chlorella 200mg Tablets from Lifestream is produced from the microscopic Chlorella plant and is packed with over 20 vitamins, minerals, RNA and DNA nucleic acids to decontaminate and cleanse the body. 

    Possible symptoms of a poorly functioning bowel:

    • Sluggishness
    • Tiredness
    • Unenergetic
    • Irritability
    • Bad breath
    • Body odour
    • Skin problems
    • Headaches
    • Loss of appetite
    • Flatulence
    • Infrequent bowel motions

    Studies show that a myriad of health conditions can be traced to poor bowel health. A build-up of wastes and toxins in the bowel can cause the body to function below its optimum level.

    The Lifestream Chlorella is named after the microscopic Chlorella plant. This tiny plant has a high cholorphyll content and is rich in vitamins, minerals, RNA and DNA nucleic acids. Its rich chlorophyll content gives it potent detoxifying and cleansing characteristics. The cracked cell wall structure allows it to grab hold of wastes, heavy metal residue and other pollutants in the bowel and intestines for purging. CGF, or Chlorella Growth Factor, is loaded with beneficial substances such as amino acids, proteins, sugars, nucleic acids, vitamins, adenosine nucleotide and cytidine nucleotide.

    Furthermore, Chlorella ranks amongst the most popular health food supplements in Japan and it is thought that around 10 million people worldwide take it regularly as part of their natural health regimen. Its nutrient rich qualities and detoxifying properties make it an exceptional daily multivitamin.

    Lifestream’s Chlorella is unique because it is made from certified organic Chlorella grown in the untouched environment of subtropical coral reef islands. This natural supplement contains 100% pure Chlorella and has met the strict standards of the Japan Health Food and Nutrition Food Association (JHFA).

    Reap the benefits of a regularly functioning bowel with the natural and certified organic Lifestream Chlorella.   

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