• Onion Salt - MasterFoods - 68g

Onion Salt - MasterFoods - 68g

In Stock
SKU: MFD031068000
Regular Price $3.00 Sale Price $4.00 Unit price: $0.00

Quick Overview

A very common seasoning for fish, chicken and a range of sauces Ð MasterFoods Onion and spice for taste perfectionSimply sprinkle onion salt over any meat before or after cooking to get that savoury taste. You can also spice up salad dressings, salads or cooked vegetables.Food matches:-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Fries-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Meats-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Vegetables...

A very common seasoning for fish, chicken and a range of sauces Ð MasterFoods Onion and spice for taste perfection

Simply sprinkle onion salt over any meat before or after cooking to get that savoury taste. You can also spice up salad dressings, salads or cooked vegetables.

Food matches:



-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Vegetables and sauces


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